Category |
Albums |
Files |
| Numbered UnitsNumerical listing of U.S. Air Force patches from numbered (1-9999) organizations. It includes, but not limited to, numbered air forces, divisions, wings, groups, squadrons, flight and medical units (hospitals, clinics, etc). |
74 |
39,703 |

| Named UnitsAlphabetical listing of U.S. Air Force patches from named (A-Z) organizations. It includes, but not limited to, air staff, major commands, air forces, agencies, centers, divisions, offices, laboratories, schools, wings, groups, squadrons, flight and medical units (hospitals, clinics, etc). |
5 |
2,127 |

| Class PatchesGallery of U.S. Air Force training class patches. Includes, but is not limited to, patches from pilot training, navigator training, space, ICBM, and Weapons School classes. In practice, class numbers are generally the last two digits of a year and a two-digit sequential number, separated by a hyphen. However, In this gallery four-digit years are used so that patches will (or at least should) appear in chronological order (after the alpha sort by class name) when sorted by Title. |
20 |
2,987 |

2 |
354 |

| Weapon System PatchesGeneric (patches used by multiple units) and manufacturer patches represented various weapons systems previously or currently in the Air Force inventory. Includes electronics, armament, munitions, aircraft, satellites and other equipment. |
7 |
1,185 |

| MiscellaneousMiscellaneous patches that do not fit into the other categories. Includes installation patches, career field/specialty patches, generic patches, award/recognition patches, beret flashes and major command flying hour milestone patches. |
9 |
816 |

3 |
27 |
