Please review the following rules in detail. If you agree and wish to proceed, please register for the forum. If you plan to upload images to the gallery, you must register for the section separately. You will receive a verification email with instructions on finalizing your registration.
USMILITARYPATCHES.COM and its owners/operators/moderators are NOT responsible for any messages or images posted. However, we will do everything possible to make sure that the images and data are accurate.
The messages express the views of the author of the message ONLY and not the views of this forum.
Any user feeling that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact the webmaster or moderators by email. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary.
You agree, through your use of USMILITARYPATCHES.COM, that you will NOT use this forum to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person’s privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.
You agree NOT to post any copyrighted material including but not limited to text and images unless: (1) the copyright is owned by you, (2) owned by this forum, or (3) you have received express permission from the copyright owner to post the material. The exception is that under the United States Fair Use doctrine, you are allowed to use excerpts from copyrighted materials: this might include quoting a few paragraphs from an article or book or using one or two photos from an article, book or other collection of photos.
Photos that are uploaded may be cropped or re-sized in order to make them easier for users to view and to save server space. Please do everything you can to make sure that the quality of the photo is clear and cropped as tightly as possible.
By posting images, you give the forum the right to copy the images to the USMILITARYPATCHES.COM’s server.
Posting messages or using USMILITARYPATCHES.COM is a privilege of membership and not a right.
Any member’s access to posting, private messaging, or any other privileges of membership may be suspended for any time period at the discretion of the USMILITARYPATCHES.COM, particularly if the member behaves inappropriately or acts in direct violation of the USMILITARYPATCHES.COM Code of Conduct.
Being a member of the USMILITARYPATCHES.COM is a privilege and not a right.
While USMILITARYPATCHES.COM is strongly against the suspension and removal of members, USMILITARYPATCHES.COM and its owners/operators reserve the right to suspend or remove without providing the user a warning or a reason any member account for any reason, including but not limited to instances where the member behaves inappropriately, acts in violation of the USMILITARYPATCHES.COM Code of Conduct, and/or registers for a second account.
Anyone making a post agrees that the information in that post will remain posted in perpetuity, at USMILITARYPATCHES.COM’s discretion.
USMILITARYPATCHES.COM has a policy against the deletion of posts and/or pictures. However, the USMILITARYPATCHES.COM reserves the right to remove posts or photos for any reason any content that is inappropriate, questionable, or in violation of the USMILITARYPATCHES.COM Code of Conduct.
USMILITARYPATCHES.COM and its owners/operators have a policy of not releasing registration information openly to third parties.
USMILITARYPATCHES.COM and its owners/operators are NOT responsible for any problems, repercussions, or damages that may result from any member’s disclosure of their own or others’ personal information, including information that is posted on the USMILITARYPATCHES.COM or information that is posted elsewhere online (such as in public records) and then used on USMILITARYPATCHES.COM.
Rules of Etiquette For Forum
- Be kind. While useful criticism is encouraged, don’t slander, libel, lambast, or use language considered in polite circles to be vulgar, crude, profane, or otherwise offensive. Also, personal attacks and disparaging remarks are inappropriate.
- Be considerate. Give serious consideration to posting images of patches that some may consider offensive or insulting. Judge whether the historical significance is compelling enough to warrant inclusion. (We won’t censor, we’ll leave it to you!)
- Be helpful. If you know something that may benefit others, share it. But if you’re making assumptions or educated guesses, make it clear to readers that that’s what they are. One-on-one discussions in a thread generally are not helpful to others.
- Cite sources. When making statements of fact, especially if the fact tends to run counter to mainstream thinking, cite your source(s). If you have firsthand knowledge because you “were there,” say so!
- Don’t pirate. Images of patches in your collection are welcome, but don’t post images lifted from the Web or publications. Similarly, your words are welcome, but don’t use the words of others unless they’re in quotes (i.e., don’t plagiarize).
- Eschew repro’s. Unfortunately, the world is rife with reproductions nowadays. We want users to have confidence that patches displayed in our gallery are vintage originals. To aid collectors, a special album exists solely for the posting of repro’s.
- Stay focused. The topic is U.S. military patches, (not foreign, civil, or badges, etc.) When adding to a thread, stay on topic. Most users use thread topics to decide whether a visit is worth the time, and prefer not to wade through off-topic posts.
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